King Oyo Calls for Responsible Tourism Amid Climate Change Concerns

King Oyo

The King of Tooro, Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, has urged primary stakeholders in the tourism sector to embrace and enforce responsible tourism practices. This call comes as King Oyo launched his movie titled “King Oyo Royal Rwenzori Mountain Expedition,” expressing concern about the impact of climate change on Uganda’s biodiversity.

The Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the Mountains of the Moon, stand at an impressive 5138 meters, ranking as the third-highest in Africa. Renowned for their snowcapped peaks, these mountains attract over 3000 tourists annually. However, the unique selling point of the snowcapped ranges is under threat due to the rise in atmospheric temperatures, leading to the receding glaciers.

The adverse effects of climate change are evident at the foothills of the mountains, causing floods that frequently breach the banks of the Nyamwamba River, displacing thousands of households. King Oyo, the world’s youngest monarch, embarked on a summit to the peak of the mountains to assess the damage and advocate for the adoption of responsible and sustainable tourism practices.

During the launch of his movie, “King Oyo Royal Rwenzori Mountain Expedition,” the king expressed concern about the uncertain future of this natural wonder, predicting that the snowcapped peaks might disappear within the next decade.

The Ministry of Tourism encourages the public to use the movie as an educational tool to inform and inspire positive action. The film has already received international recognition, securing the third place in the Tourism Product category of the World Tourism Film Awards in Valencia, Spain. This accolade adds to the movie’s total of five awards received so far. King Oyo’s efforts aim to raise awareness about the environmental challenges facing the Rwenzori Mountains and promote responsible tourism for the preservation of this natural heritage.