Demand for Permanent Membership of Africa on the UN Security Council


The Committee of 10 African countries including Uganda, Congo, Sieraleone, Senegal, Algeria, Zambia, Kenya, Namibia, Libya and Equatorial Guinea sitting in Uganda has demanded for immediate and equitable representation of Africa on the United Nations Security Council. President Yoweri Museveni says lack of permanent representation on the Security Council remains one of the barriers for the African continent. These say African countries were used during the World War II and have not benefited from their effort to date.

The member states also argue that its time the UN Security Council considered including Japan and Germany that had tactfully been put off the council list because of errors made during the World War II.

The Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government (C-10) was set-up by the African Union with the mandate to advocate and canvass the African Common Position on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) reforms.