Aftermath of Museveni’s Order on Balaalo: Land Owners Form Association in Acholi Sub-region

President Yoweri Museveni

Landowners who provided acres of land to the Balaalo cattle herdsmen in the Acholi sub-region have formed an association aimed at helping them invest and reevaluate their bargaining power in future transactions.

This move comes in the wake of President Yoweri Museveni’s order to evict the indisciplined immigrant cattle owners from the region within 21 days, a decision that has left uncertainty in the region.

The landowners, who gathered at Acholi Inn in Gulu city, believe that the Presidential order came too soon, prompting them to establish an association to protect their interests.

This development follows private meetings between political leaders and President Museveni to address the Balaalo issue. A report by the Ministry of Lands reveals that 21 percent of land in the Acholi sub-region has been titled, with 92 percent of the titled land owned by indigenous Acholi people.