Uganda 58 Years Later After Independence


Uganda marks 58 years free from colonial rule tomorrow, 9th October 2020.
Researcher Patrick Wakida says 58 years after independence, he wishes the British had stayed a little longer. Wakida says we haven’t lived to the expectations of our forefathers who envisaged transitional leadership and respect for humanity. Wakida says poverty is still looming. He says we have killed each other more than foreigners ever killed us. He says Ugandans prefer to work out of this country and the ones who remain simply have no choice.

Political analyst Mwambustya Ndebesa says it is true that Uganda has remained a caterpillar 58 years later after independence but we shouldn’t just give up.

The two also have a divergent view on opposition participation in the 2021 elections. Wakida says the opposition has no reason to participate in an election where the ground is not levelled. Mwambustya on the other hand says the opposition are being participated in the election but they should use it as an opportunity to mobilise.

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