Nigerian Delegates Visit Adjumani


A delegation comprising ten government officials from Nigeria recently embarked on a visit to Adjumani district in the West Nile sub-region of Uganda. The objective of their visit was to gain firsthand experience and insights into the Village Revolving Fund (VRF) approach employed under the Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP).

The Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda received a formal request from Nigeria’s Agro-climatic Resilience in Semi-arid Landscapes project for a learning visit by its officials. In response, Adjumani district was selected as the host location to facilitate an effective knowledge exchange on the implementation of the Village Revolving Fund.

The Village Revolving Fund is currently being piloted in at least nine districts across Uganda, making it a vital initiative in the country’s development efforts. In Adjumani district specifically, the VRF has proven successful, benefiting over 112,000 individuals from both national and refugee communities. Notably, more than 300 sub-projects have been financed under this program, with a total investment of over 55 billion shillings.