The Ministry of Education Issues Guideline on Schooling


Semi candidates in Primary six, Senior Three, and Senior five will report to school in the next two weeks on March 1st and study for 14 weeks before breaking off on May 21st 2021.

Pupils in Primary Four and Five will report back on April 6th after PLE examinations. They will study for 8 weeks and break off on June 4th, 2021.

Pupils in Primary one, two, and three will report back on June 7th, 2021, and study up to 24th July 2021.

Students in senior one will be expected back on April 12th, 2021, and senior two will report the end of May. The two will then break off on July 3rd and July 24th respectively.

Students from Technical Vocation Education and Training Institutions, Primary Teachers Colleges and National Teachers Colleges shall report back starting March 1st, 2021.

Universities and other Tertiary institutions shall open in a phased manner starting on March 1st, 2021.

The academic year for 2020 is expected to end in June 2021 and thereafter, a new calendar will be rolled out.