People Power Accuses Police Of Non-Compliance


According to People Power, they are convinced that the Police could be ignoring the law. Regardless of whether this is true or not, the red cap movement group has vowed to continue with their program of consulting Ugandans.

Speaking during a meeting in their Kamokya offices, People Power coordinators agreed to proceed with their activities as agreed.

This was after Police blocked a meeting accusing them of failing to comply with some provisions of the Public Order Management Act and Electoral Commission guidelines regarding such meetings.

“In People Power, we are going to continue with this program for the date as we have set out and it is incumbent upon the Police to abide by the law,” said MP Butambala, Hon Muwanga Kivumbi.

The People Power coordinators accused the Police of its determination to stop them from holding any event. They said that this will not stop them from executing their already set activities stating that they are also determined to ensure that their events go according to plan.

“Police is determined to ensure that we don’t hold any event but we are also determined to ensure that we hold our events because this is our country, it has no ownership, we all belong to Uganda and we are all going to do what we can,” said People Power coordinator.

People Power says that they have done everything that is required of them under the law, they stated that the police has however not been compliant.

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